Do you ever wish that you could spend less time studying, but still get straight A’s? If you think this
statement sounds a bit ridiculous, then allow me to explain. There is this phenomenon in neuroscience
called long-term sensitization,
Do you ever wish that you could spend less time studying, but still get straight A’s? If you think this
statement sounds a bit ridiculous, then allow me to explain. There is this phenomenon in neuroscience
called long-term sensitization,
Of all the sections in the SAT, reading was the hardest for me purely because of the amount of vocabulary that was needed to be memorized. However, this was also the section I improved most upon, and I can
1. You don’t have to Choose Your Major First Semester, Freshman Year
In most cases, don’t sweat it. Most schools don’t ask you to look at a major until sometime during your sophomore year. (Certain majors, however, like
Throughout all of our lives, we will be confronted with the challenge of an interview. Interviews are made out to be stressful and uncomfortable. However, they are an opportunity to talk about yourself: your accomplishments, your current tasks,
Hi second semester seniors! I know this is an exciting time, but remember, there are still some things that we need to take care of before you can receive your diploma! We have created a quick calendar to make
Have you ever felt absolutely overwhelmed by the finals? Honestly, no matter what stage of education you are at, whether it is middle school, high school, or college, finals week will always be the most stressful time of the
When you are given a daunting substitution or elimination problem on the SAT or the ISEE, it can take more than its fair share of your valuable time, and put you in a serious time crunch. When it comes to
For many high school students, College Aptitude Tests are the bane of their existence. Studying for exams that reportedly test “reasoning skills,” and “academic retention,” can be confusing and time-consuming, and must be heaped on top of rigorous high school