5 Tips to Give Your College Application A Boost
- Make Your Personal Statement, Well… Personal
Imagine the amount of essays a college admissions counselor has to read in one day. The only way to stand out above the crowd is to focus on capturing an important moment in your life, no matter how small. In fact, many students think that the topic of their personal statement for their college application has to be a huge, life changing, super dramatic event, when in reality, it’s those small moments, the ones that happen everyday, that can make an impact on who you are and who you want to become. Show that to the admissions board and you’re sure to make an impression!
- Show Them Why You Belong There
In your college application, supplemental questions, which are unique to each school, provide the perfect opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the college and what inspired you to apply. In order to show them you’ve done your research, you’ll need to be familiar with the school’s mission statement and values, as well as their goals for the students, campus and community. Many universities even encourage students to name (and contact) specific professors they’d be interested in doing research with.
- Work with a Tutor or College Consultant
What better way to boost your college application than to work with an expert? Working one-on-one with a tutor, or a college consultant, will give you the necessary tools to create the ultimate college application – one that best embodies you and your accomplishments. Not only is this a great opportunity to focus on the most important strategies that will give your college application that extra “umph”, but it will also help you steer clear of what not to include.
- Take Advantage of Supplemental Materials
If the schools you’re applying to allow you to send in supplemental materials with your college application – take advantage of this! This not only makes you stand out above other applicants, but it also gives college admissions counselors a memorable experience with your college application, which will help them get to know you better. Great examples of this include newspaper clippings, art portfolios, websites or apps you’ve designed or created, musical performances, and writing samples. If you have a particular talent or interest that is unique and could use some further explanation, then go for it! You could even go the extra mile by sending hand-written notes to an admissions rep you’ve gotten to know, updating them on what you’ve been up to and even going into detail about why that school is your first choice.
- Keep It Real
An extremely important factor to keep in mind when sending in an exceptional college application is: don’t just do things to have unique applications but rather do things to make yourself unique, which will then come across in your applications.
This final point is crucial to remember – when you allow your passions and hobbies to shine through in your college application, college admissions counselors will realize what an asset the real you will be on their campuses.
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The Four Year Plan is a book and online course that will help students get into the college of their dreams. Plan your strategy to get into your dream college, learn how to make your college application stand out, draft the perfect college essay, and more insider secrets and strategies from our college consultants. Click here for an easy, step-by-step plan for applying to colleges and writing your college essays.