The Importance of Hobbies
Importance of Hobbies
Although studying and doing homework is very important, you can’t let it be the only activity in your life. It is very important to have hobbies for many reasons, including but not limited to:
1.Taking your mind off school work, which actually helps you think and focus better
2. Providing yourself with a way to relax and enjoy yourself
Your hobby can be anything. Play a team sport, either club or for your school, or even just pick up basketball. Go to the gym and workout, or go running (exercise is one of the best hobbies because exercising does wonderful things for both your brain and your body). I recommend that you fit exercise somewhere in your schedule because it has more benefits than you can even think of. It provides your brain a break from working, releases endorphins that make you happier, and of course helps you stay in shape. There are so many forms of exercise that there it’s difficult to find an excuse not to work out. Other hobbies can be reading books, building, even the occasional cleaning can give you a break and also leave you with a clean room! So don’t forget to leave time for yourself each day or each week and relax and enjoy yourself. You’re only going to be this young once, so take advantage of it.