Make School More Exciting!
Take the Time to Explore New Things
School isn’t just about making the grades. Think about the things that make you excited for school: your friends, that one really awesome teacher, your after school sports team, your choir, your band, etc. Not many people truly like school because of the classroom materials solely. Expanding your interests will not only give you something fun to do, but it will also teach you valuable lessons that can’t be learned in the classroom.
Going through high school, you should make the effort to try to explore something new every year. You may already be the football captain with straight A’s and barely have time to devote to a different extracurricular, but trust me, it’s definitely worth your time. Explore a new sport or a new fine arts venture if you can so that you can learn a bit about something new. Engaging yourself in novel circumstances will actually teach you how to be an adaptive and quick leaner, which is something many employers and colleges desire.
Even if it’s your last year in high school and you only have a few more months until graduation, I urge you to try at least one new club or organization before you leave. You will find that it can be an excellent stress reliever to have something new to look forward to and you will meet new groups of people. If you aren’t already finishing up with high school, taking the time to explore will shape you into an extremely well-rounded student and will give you plenty to put on your resume when it comes time to apply to college.
Don’t be afraid of the change; broaden your experiences and do something new.