College in the Fall
Tips for Students Going to College in the Fall:
1. Don’t overpack!
When leaving for college for the first time, it can be hard to know what you’ll need for sure. But most dorm rooms are small – much smaller than your room at home. When packing for the fall semester, keep in mind that you don’t need all 14 pairs of jeans or 32 pairs of shoes. When it comes to moving, less is usually better because it makes the process easier. Also, most colleges give lists of what to bring and what you shouldn’t bring. Listen to them, they know what they’re talking about.
2. Don’t worry if you’re not best friends with your new roommate.
Sharing a room with a stranger may seem scary at first, especially if you aren’t used to sharing a room with anyone. But here’s a secret that they don’t tell you in movies or TV shows: not everyone becomes instant best friends with their new college roommates. Still, strive for civility. Because at the end of the day, you’re sleeping in the same room, whether or not you hung out all day. And when college gets stressful, your room can be a stress-free zone, unless you feel uncomfortable around your roommate. Long story short, if it happens that you become close friends with your roommate, great. If not, it is definitely not the end of the world.
3. Get to know campus.
You shouldn’t get stuck in the rut of hanging out your new room all of the time. Especially when you first arrive, there are going to be so many events to welcome the new class. But beyond that, get to know the facilities that the campus has to offer year-round, like the student center, coffee shops, the rec center (the freshman 15 is a real thing), and other places unique to the university you decide to attend. College is one of the busiest times of your life, but remember to make time for fun, relaxing stuff too!
4. Enjoy your summer!
Though this may not be your last summer at home, it will be the last time you’re together with everyone you went to school with. Don’t waste it by worrying about the new stresses of college or by counting down the days until you leave, because this is definitely, as the cliché will tell you, the end of a very important phase in your life. Celebrate that you made it through finals and qualify to graduate! Although it seems like a small stepping stone compared to the rest of your education, it is definitely a huge milestone. This summer, do all of the things you said you’d do with your friends, and prepare yourself for the most exciting time of your life – college.