Improve Your Memory
I am currently taking an Introduction to Psychology course, and I wanted to share with you some really cool things I learned about how you can improve your memory, especially when it comes to studying for exams. Here are a few steps that I learned in Psychology about how to improve your memory:
- Study repeatedly — this essentially means that cramming is a HUGE NO-NO when it comes to tackling material for an exam. Your brain actually retains information better when you studying is spread out throughout the week, than if it happens all in one night.
- Make the material meaningful — this can mean one of two things. You can either make the material meaningful to you and apply it to your life. For example in kinetics problems in Physics apply it to driving a car, throwing a baseball, etc or when studying for English apply the themes in the book, poem or short story to your life. It can also mean to apply previous knowledge about a subject to better understand new knowledge of that related subject.
- Sleep more— I know you have probably heard this about a million times; but I promise that sleep is just as important as learning the material for class. Sleep helps the brain store and organize information for long term memory. No sleep means this process doesn’t happen.
- Test your knowledge — this actually helps you determine what you do and do not know. Just sitting down and looking over pages of notes. Testing your knowledge allows you to test your recall of the information. It also helps you determine what you do and do not know.
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