Importance of Extracurricular
School isn’t everything, it is important to show that you have more than just academics to back up your character. This is why it is absolutely essential to have extracurricular activities!
When applying to college, many admission offices not only look at your high school grades and your SAT scores, they also pay special attention to how much community service you have done and what kind of activities you participate in. It really doesn’t matter what they are, let them be sports, clubs, theater, band, the most important thing is to show perseverance! Schools LOVE to see that you have done a certain thing for more than just a semester before you decided to try something else. They like to see commitment and progress. If you’ve been in an organization for a while, apply to be a leader in that club. Being a leader not only shows that you have the capabilities to lead, but also that you are will to take on responsibilities!
Secondly, it is important to have community service. Community service can come from many different sources, whether it is your church, school, National Honor Society or whatnot. Again, it is important to show commitment! Be sure to accumulate some hours of community service per semester to show the admission office that you are aware of more than just yourself, and that you are willing to give to others as well.
Finally, doing sports is really great. Many students in high school do sports, and even though it may not be everyone’s favorite thing, it is good to have some exercise. Schools like to see activity and that you are not completely sedentary. Be adventurous and try something out! You never know if you will be the next star player, and who knows, you might just get a scholarship for playing your sport for college.