The Importance of a Reliable Study Space!
I was in major violation of this offense in high school- a poor study area! I would study on my bed for hours with eraser shavings ending up under my sheets and stains on my papers from afternoon snacks. Even worse, I would dose off because my bed was too comfortable to stay awake reading mundane US history chapters, so I really want to prevent this for our elite private tutoring students. First, EVERY student needs a quiet place to study free of distractions. This means a place away from TVs, X-boxes, and annoying siblings! The last thing a student needs is the temptation to turn on these consoles, which can distract them from reaching their academic goals. I constantly found my little sisters migrating into my room and bothering me while I was trying to study for tests. I suggest trying to come up with family rules (i.e. I am allowed to close my door between 4:30-6:30 with no interruptions while I study from chemistry). This will allow younger siblings to be more respectful of your time.
Next, have your parents invest in a desk! Studying at a desk in high school will prepare you for long nights spent at your dorm or library desk in college. Once you have your desk it is important to make it your own- whether this is building your own PC, putting up band posters or personal pictures. This is very important because you need something to glance at to rest your eyes and brain while encouraging you to continue studying. On my desk I have pictures of my family, best friend and my dog, Ty, to inspire me to try my hardest and do my best every day! I know studying at a desk can get boring, so I think it is important to change up the scene. I will read history and English assignments on a quiet chair or by the pool (when its not 90% humidity!), but you have to make sure the environment is not too distracting. Also, I really like studying certain subjects in specific places- I think this helps compartmentalize facts and equations. In addition, I know a lot of students do their homework on the dining room table. Though this may work for some, I have found it be distracting with the pantry too close in reach and family members constantly around. Unless you are excelling by studying at the table, I suggest trying to move to a quieter area.
Happy Studying!
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