At first glance the topic at hand seemed a little tedious to comment on, then I realized that the answer is quite simple. We live in a world where ‘society” as a whole makes decisions for everyone. Society says that
At first glance the topic at hand seemed a little tedious to comment on, then I realized that the answer is quite simple. We live in a world where ‘society” as a whole makes decisions for everyone. Society says that
The phenomenon of spirit animals exploded in grade schools, college campuses, and click-bait sites like Buzzfeed a few years ago. It’s a more interesting version of the “What’s your favorite color?” query of elementary days. A self-described sloth probably likes
Parents everywhere agree they want what is best for their child and his/her future. This future almost always includes your child attending a great university. So the question remains: how do you prepare your child for a great school?
Getting into an elite college isn’t always easy. While many high schools provide college counselors of some sort to aid the process, that is not always enough. Some high school college counselors are stretched too thin, trying to help too
One of the most stressful times of my life was during my senior year of high school. Everything I did that year (and also the majority of high school career) can essentially be boiled down to me posturing to show
Has the college admissions process been hard for you and your loved ones? Choosing the right college can seem like such a heavy burden on both child and parent. A recent trend has been happening amongst students about to enter
Most people underestimate the difficulty of senior year and the College Applications. And let me tell you, senior years are stressful.
Senior year marks the end of the familiar and the start of something new. In college, seniors are stressed
The rules of accent marking are not often taught in introductory Spanish, but it’s helpful to understand them, and they are actually quite straightforward. Learning the rules will help you understand why accents are present where they are and
I was in major violation of this offense in high school- a poor study area! I would study on my bed for hours with eraser shavings ending up under my sheets and stains on my papers from afternoon snacks. Even
When the New Year rolls around, many people create resolutions. Some people have reading goals, others have fitness goals, and some have sleep goals in mind. Across the board, we fail to keep these goals. Why is that?